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Good Morning Everyone!  Today I am thrilled to have two lovely guest bloggers, Sarah from Re-Designing Sarah and Heather from Interior Groupie, who are contributing to my Pieces of You series!  I met these two ladies at the most recent Canadian Design Bloggers Meet-Up.  It was so nice to find others that were as new to the blogosphere as I was, and both of these women were so great to chat with that day.  If you have not checked out their blogs yet (links above), get on it,  they are great!  When I started the Pieces of You series both design-savvy women expressed interest in contributing their favourite piece of furniture to the series.  I feel so incredibly lucky to be featuring their picks today!

If anyone else would like to submit their Fave piece to this series, contact me or follow the instructions on the first Pieces of You post. Enjoy these great pieces and the stories behind them!

Photos by Sarah (layout by me)

Photos by Heather (layout by me)

Have a good day!